So this date night brings us to two topics Dane and I are very passionate about, board games and friendships.
Before getting married Dane and I decided that we didn't want to become "exclusive" once we got married. We both really valued the friendships we had in our lives and felt like in order to have a healthy marriage it was important for us to maintain friendships outside of just "Dane and I." This keeps us from getting too self-absorbed, provides us with a support group when tough times come, and its really fun! On top of all that, I seem to always learn something new about my hubby when we are around others. In the two years we have been married we have truly valued our "double dates." Sometimes they were as simple as inviting others over to watch a movie other times it involved going out to big events like concerts or theme parks.
Some of our favourite double dates from the past have involved board games. Dane and I love board games and card games. The game we are playing here is called Settlers of Catan. It's a game that has been around for awhile but is making a comeback. Our first time to play this game was last January while on a double date with our friends Josh and Hannah who we met in Australia. (Little shout out to you both, we miss you so much). Over the past year we have had many double dates with Settlers including our friends Alex & Jess (hope third year is going so good for you all, sending our love), and this week Drew & Celisa and Brock & Brittany.
I love how Dane and I grew up with different games but now have taught each other those games. Some of the games we enjoy playing:
Settlers of Catan, Pitch, Sequence, Phase 10, Shanghai Rummy, Nertz, Spades, Clue, Trivia Games (which I am horrible at, but Dane rocks at), Hand & Foot, Scategories, Catchphrase, The Game of Things, Balderdash, Crazy Eights, Dominos, Clue and I am trying to get Dane addicted to the Farming Game.
What makes board game dates so much fun? Well there is plenty of time to talk, laugh, give each other a bit of a hard time, and just enjoy! We had a blast playing this week despite the fact that I played the worst game of Settlers in my life. It was one of our first times to hang out with these two and we loved it, plus they have the cutest little baby girl, Emersyn! Thanks for the fun this week and yes a rematch is in our future!
What are some of your favourite games? Single, coupled up or married, we would love to play a game with you as well! Happy Date Night Everyone!